I have a box full of necklaces and braceletes right now, ready to be sold. I know at least 2 persons were hardly waiting for these pics, so here they are. :)
I made most of these during my summer vacation on Croatian seaside. I just had to use the beads I had and now I almost run out of them. It is time to start making new ones - I still have quite some canes left, but I can make a thing or two with the beads of the same kind and then I get tired of the color and pattern. Cane making is something I really enjoy, so it should not be a problem. Making beads is more time consuming, but that has to be done as well. I have head full of ideas what to make but there is only one problem - days are not long enough for everything I need and would like to do.
Comments are welcome, as always. Have a wonderful day!
I made most of these during my summer vacation on Croatian seaside. I just had to use the beads I had and now I almost run out of them. It is time to start making new ones - I still have quite some canes left, but I can make a thing or two with the beads of the same kind and then I get tired of the color and pattern. Cane making is something I really enjoy, so it should not be a problem. Making beads is more time consuming, but that has to be done as well. I have head full of ideas what to make but there is only one problem - days are not long enough for everything I need and would like to do.
Comments are welcome, as always. Have a wonderful day!

Gledam z odprtimi usti. Uauuuu!!! Punca, prepovedano se ti je ukvarjati s čim drugim kot ustvarjanjem ;o) !!!
Ohhh Dreja, kako bi bilo fino, če bi bilo to možno! Bi z veseljem bila doma in delala samo takele stvari cele dneve. Jaaa, to bi bilo tako tapravo življenje, še posebej če bi zaslužila s tem težke miljone... pa vemo da to ne gre, a ne :))))!
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