Mokume Gane is a technique of working with polymer clay. Here you can see how it is done - and the result is great. I specially like the effect of golden leaves and that holes always look great. But I also like to do it in another way, with holes filled with scrap clay. Ann, maybe you like this result too and try it some day. Here's my version of this technique (I made this last year, those who know about my album, have probably already seen these pics with shots of complete procedure of making a small pot):

1. Stack clay sheets together.
2. Cut.
3. Stack.
4-5. Make holes, can be different sizes.
6-7. Fill holes with scrap clay.
8. Repeat the same on the bottom side.
9. Start reducing, make sure to distort the layers of clay while you do that. On the contrary from usual cane work, where we tend to keep the pattern inside the cane not distorted.
10. Arrows show where the scrap clay was inserted earlier... be sure to reduce cane in the right direction!
11. It's easy to cut such cane, much easier than with the originial Mokume Game technique.
12. A pot made of that cane.
That's really beautiful Roberta. Filling the holes really does give a nice effect.
haw do you make more small cane? I know how a circle cane but how in this shape? How reduce square cane?
You were right about that petition - we do deserve this weather.
And now you've inspired me so much with your work that I went and ordered a whole assortment of polymer clay on Ebay :-))
ro-pixelmommy - thanks!
Ann - thanks, but your version is really beautiful as well!
anonymous - ummmm... how to reduce small cane? well, by pressing it and turning around. hard to explain though
Karen - yes, we do deserve it! Ride safely! ;)
I'm glad to hear you ordered polymer clay. If you need any advice or tip, I will be glad to help :).
these make me feel hungry! I've eaten too much forage today! How do they taste?
LOL FB - they taste like cardboard steak in acrylic paint sauce with some rubber and a pinch of glue. Should I send you some for a snack? :))
What an inspirational way!
Vrlo lijep Mokume gane!!! Ja radim na sličan način, al ovo tvoje je još ljepše!
Lijepo pozdrav i samo tako nastavi! :-)
Veoma zanimljiva ideja koju cu sigurno pokusati da primenim - mada ja pravim nakit od `cold porcelaina`, a ne od fima...
This is very nise and you inspired me to try fimo!
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