I've never heard about French macarons until few weeks ago. I saw some pics of cute and colorful cookies before, but somehow I was sure they are just lovely fake decoration of some kind. I mean, you can't bake cookies in so many different colors with different fillings and make them look so perfect, can you? But obviously you can (well, not me and probably not even you, but some can). When I realized I was wrong, I had to make them to learn how they taste and what's the feeling when they fill your mouth. I read a gazillion of pages, trying to learn exact procedure of making macarons and the more I read the more I was convinced that I shouldn't really try that at all. But I did. And the result was... hmmm, probably not perfect, but close enough... and if you ever wondered, how they taste like - perfectly yummy!
My first green macarons. I have always suspected that I am a cooking genius and that all my cooking failures are just the result of not practicing enough. Now those lovely macarons proved that that's almost certainly true! Maybe I should open a pastry shop, huh? :))

My first green macarons. I have always suspected that I am a cooking genius and that all my cooking failures are just the result of not practicing enough. Now those lovely macarons proved that that's almost certainly true! Maybe I should open a pastry shop, huh? :))

P.S. Recipe follows :).
U, prav zeleno zgledajo in verjamem ti, da so yummy ;)
Ti kar odpri slaščičarno. Saj veš, da jemo tudi z očmi in tvoje slaščice bi prav fantastično zgledale, da ne govorim o okusu ;)
Recepta pa namerno nisi napisala da ti ne bi katera konkrenco delala s slaščičarno? Hec :D
Izgledajo zeleno, da so dobri ti pa verjamem :D
Super su ti makaroni...mljac...mljac, vjerujem da su i ukusni.
Ako otvoris slasticarnu, bojim se da ces zaboraviti na Fimo a to bi bila zaista greska.
Kad smo kod Fima, evo ti jedan link, mene je odusevio.
Lijep pozdrav
Your macarons are perfect! I've tried a recipe of chocolate macarons some time ago, they were very tasty but not so round and fluffy as yours. I've discovered these cookies by watching the polymer ones made by Tranche de Cane, she also has a tutorial for them.
o.k. sem bila prepričana, da so iz fima :)...pa res zgledajo skpoky zeleno, dobri pa tud verjamem, da so :o)
Zeleno gor al' dol, zdajle bi enga zmazala kot bi rekel keks. Njami odpri slaščičarno :-)
kdaj lahko pridemo na degustacijo? :)
Haha, še dobro, da so zeleni, da bolj pozornost pritegnejo! :)) Naslednji bodo pa roza al pa rdeči, pa še kakšna slikca pa recept bo zraven, obljubim. Emmmmm, slaščičarne pa še ne bo zaenkrat, sem si premislila, raje ostanem pri fimotu :)).
These look lovely and yummy...just call them speckled macaroons!
These look delicious - well done for trying to make them and succeeding
At first glance, before seeing the other macaroons, when seeing the green ones...I thought I was looking at very moldy hamburgers!! Just at first glance though, and am laughing at myself. I guess its the green. The pink and white look much yummier :)
Samo za vidit uno sliko podobno neke vrste zelo zelo uničenega hamburgerja, so se mi prav zagravzli.
Macarons is very testy. I like to eat. Its is very testy recipe.I am so excited or make it. Thanks for sharing it.
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