Yesterday I was in Velenje meeting with the girls from our creativity group. It was great to see them again and we had a wonderful time together. We had a "How to make a book" workshop and then watched photos from Rusia. In the meantime we ate a lot of delicious home made food and I learned how to make a wire pendants. I had to try that today and of course I didn't have just the right wire, but with some things from my stash they turned out quite ok. Oh, and we had two great swaps yesterday as well - scrapbook pages for memory books and 8th March swap. I got this cute picture, made of air dry clay (thanks Marta!):

And this is what I've made for our swap (cardboard box decorated with decorative paper K&Company and some ribbon with polymer clay pendant in it):

These are the two pendants I managed to made today (Natka, thanks for the instructions!). Yesterday I am going to the city to buy some more apropriate wire.

Thanks for the lovely day, girls!
Ful lepo! Škatla je enkratna, kje pa dobiš tak lep papir? Tudi vse ostalo je krasno kot ponavadi. Čestitke
You have very beautiful crafts and artworks :)
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