Did I say I was going to try to combine wire with polymer clay pendants this weekend? Yeah, right! Of course I didn't. We were shopping on Friday, Nina needed few things for school and in the stationer's shop I saw quite big erasers. And they were on sale. Just perfect, for quite some time I wanted to make my own eraser stamps. I bought 7 or so and it seemed a lot. I started with carving as soon as we got home and it's really an easy way to make stamps! Nina was watching for some time and then she wanted to try, too. We run out of erasers yesterday although we carved them on both sides as they are thick enough. So tomorrow I am going back to that shop to buy all the erasers they have left! :)
These are Nina's carvings (I made her name and draw a cat, she did all the carving herself and designs for the other ones):

And these are mine and one with a piece of paper where I tried how eraser stamp works:

Have a wonderful week!
o moj bog!
Aaaaaaaa! Kje so na razprodaji, v kateri trgovini? Moje so ble drage ko hudič!
very cool stamps
blogged you on my blog http://naamazamir.blogspot.com/
Wow that is pretty neat! Think I am going to have to try my hand at making stamps out of erasers.
Kitty, v tisti knjigarni zraven City Parka v BTCju - 6x4cm po 66 centov. Kakšne so cene drugače pa pojma nimam. Te so znamka Quattro Colori, se ful dobro izrezujejo, samo mogoče so mal majhne. Moram kje najt kakšne malo večje :)), zdej sem se že mal zverzirala! :)
Looks like you have been busy carving! I really like the tree stamp!
O, hudo! Vse so krasne, ena lepša kot druga. Pohvale tudi Nini.
Now that you've learned to carve stamps you must go look for Letterboxes :)
(found you through giveaway link - but looking at blog first and got distracted by all your wonderful work)
I loved this idea.. I cant find any stamps here so I think Ill be carving them too. Thank you so much.
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