I've been away from this site for a while, again. I keep promising to myself that I will post at least weekly, but it's so easy to break a promise you make to yourself. I haven't been doing much crafts anyway, only some clay things and few greeting cards. Guess I was not in a very creative mood lately.
A little more than a month ago we got a new member of our household - her name is Blue (with full name Assaya Blue Velvet), she is a white/blue Shih-tzu and, no doubt about that, she is the cutest dog ever. Nina was so excited when we brought her home for the first time that she was holding her in her lap and crying for quite some time. Now our life is a bit different and luckily more active as we have to go out more often. She's smart and learning things fast, very friendly and always ready to lick everyone who is willing to cuddle her a bit. And of course, we already love this little fur ball to death!
At the moment, I am home alone with Blue as Nina is on vacation with her dad. I've always thought it was very weird that people talk to their dogs like they are kids, but now I'm doing exactly the same - not just giving her praise and orders, but... you know, talking, like she understands everything I say. Strange! :) I guess I joined the I talk to my dog club :).
A little more than a month ago we got a new member of our household - her name is Blue (with full name Assaya Blue Velvet), she is a white/blue Shih-tzu and, no doubt about that, she is the cutest dog ever. Nina was so excited when we brought her home for the first time that she was holding her in her lap and crying for quite some time. Now our life is a bit different and luckily more active as we have to go out more often. She's smart and learning things fast, very friendly and always ready to lick everyone who is willing to cuddle her a bit. And of course, we already love this little fur ball to death!
At the moment, I am home alone with Blue as Nina is on vacation with her dad. I've always thought it was very weird that people talk to their dogs like they are kids, but now I'm doing exactly the same - not just giving her praise and orders, but... you know, talking, like she understands everything I say. Strange! :) I guess I joined the I talk to my dog club :).
Mladički shih-tzujev so meni najbolj kjutkani psi ever, škoda, ker odrasejo. Mislim, saj so kjutkani tudi potem, ampak ko so mladički, so nekaj čisto posebnega, podobni malim medvedkom in še bolj mali Ewokom iz Star Wars :)
Kjutkano malo detece. In to si samo ti misliš, da te ne razume. Od začetka samo ton tvojega glasu, potem pa tudi besede. Preverjeno ;)
lp, moi
So adorable and the photos show off just how cute she is.
Me je Moi prehitela, sem tudi jaz hotela reči iiiiiiiiiiiiii :). Ja kakšen cukerček! In točno tako kot pravi Moi - zelo dobro razumejo. Čez čes boš ugotovila, da tudi zna povedati marsikaj (samo govorit ne :) ).
Wow, kakšen cukrček! le uživajte in se crkljajte :-)
Ijeeee kakšen cartek!
O, kakšen luškan prirastek družine! Ne podcenjuj ga, razume čisto vse, kar ti bo zelo kmalu tudi jasno pokazal. In tile so tiste sorte, ki zelo zelo dobro občutijo tvoje razpoloženje in sočustvujejo s tabo. Ko gledam fotke me mika, da bi še mi enega, punci sta ravno dovolj veliki za enega takega "dojenčka". Uživajte skupaj!
OOOOOOOO...very cuteeee.
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