I am so proud of myself!!! I made my first book today! It's not really big, covers measure 10 x 12 cm and inside pages 10 x 9 cm and it has 24 pages in 4 different colors.
While surfing the web I came accross pics of handmade books and booklest and I just loved them. Today I watched the video on Craft TV Weekly where the demonstrator shows how to prepare back and front cover and put them together, how to stitch pages,... Since I had time I thought I would give it a try. Measuring and cutting paper was quite time consuming as I don't have any special cutters except blade, ruler and measuring plate. The hardest part was cutting the hard cardboard I used for covers, my hands still hurt! Making holes was much easier as I imagined and so was stitching. I wanted to make a coptic stitches at first, but then I figured out it would probably be safer to start with a stitch from that video. I didn't stitch too tightly, I am going to put different pictures and embelishments on the pages later so they will fill the inside of the covers, I guess. Oh, and the center inside part where pages are attached to the cover - that's my idea! I didn't want just glue the last page of the inside papers to the cover, I think this solution is much better. Almost like a real book! :)
It was so good to see how well things are fitting together and that in a few hours of work few ordinary pieces of paper turned into a book! Hmmm, maybe I should quit work and start making books! :))
And of course, here are few pics of you my masterpiece :)!

While surfing the web I came accross pics of handmade books and booklest and I just loved them. Today I watched the video on Craft TV Weekly where the demonstrator shows how to prepare back and front cover and put them together, how to stitch pages,... Since I had time I thought I would give it a try. Measuring and cutting paper was quite time consuming as I don't have any special cutters except blade, ruler and measuring plate. The hardest part was cutting the hard cardboard I used for covers, my hands still hurt! Making holes was much easier as I imagined and so was stitching. I wanted to make a coptic stitches at first, but then I figured out it would probably be safer to start with a stitch from that video. I didn't stitch too tightly, I am going to put different pictures and embelishments on the pages later so they will fill the inside of the covers, I guess. Oh, and the center inside part where pages are attached to the cover - that's my idea! I didn't want just glue the last page of the inside papers to the cover, I think this solution is much better. Almost like a real book! :)
It was so good to see how well things are fitting together and that in a few hours of work few ordinary pieces of paper turned into a book! Hmmm, maybe I should quit work and start making books! :))
And of course, here are few pics of you my masterpiece :)!