Few of the things I've made lately. I was not really in the mood for doing my crafts for quite some time, but now I am full of new ideas and energy for working. But as you can see, I have improved slightly in taking shots of my work and in Photoshop handling. It looks pretty cool, huh? Btw, most of the things here found their new home in Australia.

Wooden box, covered with polymer clay with metalic wax and powder. The top is covered with different shapes from home made molds, the sides were made with "Dancing Spirals" texture sheet.

Some of the beads, ready to apply varnish.

First beads with salt texture.


Art dolls - I was just trying them out. I still have to work on faces.
P.S. Can someone please tell me how to get rid of the borders around the pics? It looks fine in a preview, but they appear after post is published?!! Please?! And thanks! :)
Spet prečudoviti izdelki! Bravo!
Wow. What wonderful, wonderful pieces.
Čudovito. Ravno sem odkrila tvojo stran in sem popolnoma navdušena. Zlate roke imaš.
wow who ever is in Australia is surely lucky, lovely pieces of your crafts. sj
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