Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Trip To Lake Bled

We had some really nice warm days - finally! In Saturday we went to lake Bled, which is very nice place (on the left side of the picture is a castle on the rocks and the lake has a small island in the middle with the church on it - you can go there with the boat or even swim in the summer time). Unfortunately the battery on my camera died; and of course the spare battery I have was also empty - so this is the only picture I was able to take there.

The girls on the picture are Nina and the twins Sindi and Mendi (they don't look like twins at all, do they?). Their mother, Dajana, is my really good friend. A kind of a friend that is hard to find. She doesn't work at the moment and her twins started first grade this year. She picks them up in school every day at about 2pm - and she picks up Nina as well! So my kid stays with them till about 4pm when I come to their place. Nina makes her homework while I'm still at work and since Dajana knows I will not cook, there is a lunch waiting for me every day (though this will have to stop, I need to loose weight!!!). She even cleans my apartment every now and then and I always have to argue with her about the payment. Not to mention that she's always there when I need someone to talk to, always full of good advices and all kind of wisdom.

Dajana, I love you. Thanks for being my friend!

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