
Saturday, October 13, 2007

Just trying something new... I always have problems with loading pics to blogger and arranging them, so maybe this is a better solution.


  1. Hi! i stumbled across your blog while looking for others interested in polymer clay. You make some beautiful creations! Do you mind if i add a link to your blog on my own? Have a great day!

  2. Hi Roberta, it's me Isa , in France of course !!!! I enjoy your visit and your com...
    I love your products, it's great....I have not enough english words to say what I think of your blog, but I'll link you as I can in my favorit links, to come back in your world.....bye and see you soon !

  3. Thanks Jessica - of course you can, I added you too, your work is impressing, I just love all the swirls and flowers you are using on your cards.

    Isa, thank you too - I love your work as well. It's just wonderful!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog, and for your kind comments! Feel free to CASE (Copy And Share Everything) my work, as long as it's not for any contests or the like. Have a lovely day! :)

  5. loved the slide show, some very beautiful work.
    Stu x
