
Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Something To Hug

I made these a month or so ago when I was staying home and I had to rest because of my sore back (again!!!). It was sooooo boring and I just had to do something. Since making huggies is quite popular here lately, I had to try to make one myself, too. It was quite fun and I was rather surprised that I was able to put it together, because I am not really sewing much (in fact, I don't sew at all). I ended up with two finished and another 2 half done... and a month later they are still just half done. That is so typical for me, starting something and never finish it. I have quite some half made "projects" waiting for my attention; not to mentionl the things I got all the material for and have never even started. No wonder my flat sometimes looks like a warehouse! :)


  1. A sore back again, thats no good. Do you do any exercises or stretching to try to prevent your back from getting sore?
    Your huggies are very cute, I hope you find the time to finish the other two soon.

  2. do you sew well? ever make clothes? very important for ghana woman to make clothes for man. could you make suit for me?

  3. Sorry to hear about your back :-(

    The things you make are just absolutely beautiful - you are so creative and talented!

  4. Those are veery cute, I just want to reach into my screen and squeeze them!
