
Friday, February 09, 2007

Inks, Powders And Alcohol On Polymer Clay

I saw this technique in the last issue (Winter 2006/07) of Polymerclay Cafe and had to try it (demonstrated by Laurie Prophater) - to make a mess on polymer clay with metalic powders, inks and alcohol. I am having too much fun with that and I just can't stop! The results are quite unpredictable but so nice, at least in my opinion. I just love how colors blend and how they fill printed parts (which can be made with rubber stamps).

The first two pics are showing two different pieces with all that mess drying already. The second row is the same piece before it dried completely and after it dried and was run through the pasta machine to get smooth surface. That is the final result. In the last row is another example and few pieces made out of another one, ready to be put together with some beads to make a nice necklace.

It really is a messy thing to do, but with a proper protection of your surface and your hands it's not that bad at all. And the results are amazing. Thanks Laurie, it really is a great technique!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Something To Hug

I made these a month or so ago when I was staying home and I had to rest because of my sore back (again!!!). It was sooooo boring and I just had to do something. Since making huggies is quite popular here lately, I had to try to make one myself, too. It was quite fun and I was rather surprised that I was able to put it together, because I am not really sewing much (in fact, I don't sew at all). I ended up with two finished and another 2 half done... and a month later they are still just half done. That is so typical for me, starting something and never finish it. I have quite some half made "projects" waiting for my attention; not to mentionl the things I got all the material for and have never even started. No wonder my flat sometimes looks like a warehouse! :)

Thursday, February 01, 2007


Until two days ago I have never heard of quilling. I don't even remember seeing anything like that before. Then I heard about it from my fellow craft girls and since I didn't want to be completely ignorant I surfed the web to find some pics and possibly some instructions. I didn't find much, but just enough to get general idea about what quilling is and how to do it.

This was my first try and I am quite pleased with it. If by any chance someone who knows about quilling reads this post, I have a question: When you glue pieces together, how do you glue the composition to surface? Do you glue complete surface and put it on or put glue just on paper parts? Maybe with some more practice and different glues I will find that out by myself, but asking doesn't hurt, does it? :)