Yesterday I received a package, sent from far away Australia. Here are some of the things I got. Well, Nina as well. She was so happy - and so was I!
I was very excited as I got texture sheet and shapelets I couldn't get here. And Sculpy III polymer clay, which I wanted to try. I just wonder if it is any different than Fimo. I will work with it this weekend, I hope. I had to try stamplet, shapelets and texture sheet... here is my first try on scrap clay; it's not baked yet, I will finish these figures after I bake them. I just love these curly patterns! Oh, and I also got a big plate with 9 face moulds for dolls. Picture of that will follow.
I was very excited as I got texture sheet and shapelets I couldn't get here. And Sculpy III polymer clay, which I wanted to try. I just wonder if it is any different than Fimo. I will work with it this weekend, I hope. I had to try stamplet, shapelets and texture sheet... here is my first try on scrap clay; it's not baked yet, I will finish these figures after I bake them. I just love these curly patterns! Oh, and I also got a big plate with 9 face moulds for dolls. Picture of that will follow.
Looks cool, huh? Thanks so much for everything, Stu! You really are a sweet guy!
Hello, me again, Stu sounds like a males name, but I still see nothing for males.
ReplyDeleteHi Roberta
ReplyDeleteStu visited my shop today to show me the dolls and the pendants that you made with the shapelets and texture sheets (and to give me this blog address).
They are awesome! I love what u do!
So good to see what is made from the bits that leave my shop. So clever!!
Now that I have your blog address I will keep watching for more...
Hopefully Stu has given you our website? If not, let me know.