Beside shopping and sorting things I have had some time to play with the beads this week. I used some of the polymer clay beads that I had left. I'm finding new possibilities every time I do something and now I have head full of ideas how to make even better things.
Nina's coming home today in a few hours, so we will be back to normal again - with not enough time for everything I would like to do. I wish I could make a living with playing with clay and beads and colors and other stuff. That would be like a dream come true. Oh well... I'm not giving up... maybe someday, who knows!
Tele ogrlice so res fantastične! Redno spremljam tvoje kreacije in se vedno bolj navdušujem, da bi še sama kaj poskusla! Zanima me, kakšne so možnosti nakupa katere od teh ogrlic (in seveda po kakšni ceni)?
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