Na balkonu imam že nekaj časa svojo delavnico. Dve precej veliki mizi, veliko potencialne delovne površine. Kako uspem vedno navleči na kup toliko stvari, da mi na koncu ostane približno 10x10 cm prostora za delo???
My balcony became my working place. There I have two quite big tables and a lot of potential working space. I just don't understand... how I always manage to pile so much stuff on tables that I end up with about 10x10 cm space to work on???
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Monday, September 06, 2010
Stara fimo klobasa / Old polymerclay cane
Kako uporabiti staro, presušeno, ničemur več podobno klobaso? Tako, ki jo sicer še lahko narežeš na rezinice, rezinice pa pokajo in se lomijo in se z njimi ne da kaj dosti narediti? Preden jo vržete v smeti, pomislite, če se jo morda pa le lahko uporabi - recimo za beadse nepravilnih oblik, kar tako porezanih iz večjih kosov klobase. Se mi zdi, da kar dobro izpade in mi je kar malo žal, da nimam kaj več neuporabnih klobasic - sveže bi se namreč najbrž preveč deformirale ob rezanju, razen seveda če bi jih prej zamrznila... mogoče tudi to poskusim v kratkem :).
How to use old, dry cane? The one that is so dry that it is possible to cut slices of it but impossible to work with those slices? Before you throw it away, consider making something out of it - for example beads like those here - just cut bigger pieces of cane to make a bead. I quite like it and in a way I am sorry I don't have more old canes that are no good for other things. I guess fresh canes deform too much while cutting, unless cane is freezed... maybe I'll try this in the nearest future.
How to use old, dry cane? The one that is so dry that it is possible to cut slices of it but impossible to work with those slices? Before you throw it away, consider making something out of it - for example beads like those here - just cut bigger pieces of cane to make a bead. I quite like it and in a way I am sorry I don't have more old canes that are no good for other things. I guess fresh canes deform too much while cutting, unless cane is freezed... maybe I'll try this in the nearest future.