It's Nina's birthday party today. I'm a bit scare, about 15 teenager will fill our apartment again and some will sleep over as they did last year. But we will survive that, they are great kids. :). Instead of baking a cake, I was playing with polymer clay for the past two days and that's the result. Just a sneak peak today, I'll show you things when they are put together. Autumn is here, temperatures are dropping and winter is coming - I've decided to fight against all the annoying things that winter brings with bright colors. At least in this "series". :)
Have a nice weekend!
Danes Nina praznuje rojstni dan. Me je že kar malo groza, kakšnih 15 najstnikov bo okupiralo najino stanovanje in nekaj jih bo celo prespalo, tako kot lani. Ampak bomo že preživeli, saj so super otroci :). In namesto da bi pekla torto, sem se zadnje dva dni igrala s fimo maso. Zaenkrat pokažem le toliko, več pa, ko bodo izdelki sestavljeni skupaj. Zima nam trka na vrata, jo že kar čutim, da je že tamle za prvim ovinkom. Mogoče mi pa s svetlimi barvami le uspe, da jo še malo zadržim? Vsaj zaenkrat.
Lep vikend!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Another Fimo Pendant
I made this some time ago and love it. But... when I was making it I was not really thinking about how am I going to put the wire through. Once it was baked that was, of course, impossible. I was thinking about adding some more polymer clay at both ends when Kitty kindly sold me some buna cord and o-rings, which worked perfectly. Just few more silly beads and it will be done. Thanks Kitty!
Tole sem naredila že nekaj časa nazaj. Med delom seveda nisem kaj dosti razmišljala o tem, kako bom skozi obstoječo luknjico, ki teče sicer po celi dolžini kače, vstavila žico ali vrvico. Ko je bila zadeva spečena, je bilo to čisto nemogoče. To bi lahko sicer rešila z dodatkom fima na obeh koncih, pa se kar nisem spravila k temu. In me je rešila Kitty, ki mi je prijazno odstopila nekaj metrov buna corda in o-ringov (ki sem jih takoj potem še dodatno kupila v malo večji količini, ker so mi silno všeč in prav fino pašejo na razne obeske). Dodam le še nekaj bunkic in ogrlica bo končno končana. Hvala Kitty!
Tole sem naredila že nekaj časa nazaj. Med delom seveda nisem kaj dosti razmišljala o tem, kako bom skozi obstoječo luknjico, ki teče sicer po celi dolžini kače, vstavila žico ali vrvico. Ko je bila zadeva spečena, je bilo to čisto nemogoče. To bi lahko sicer rešila z dodatkom fima na obeh koncih, pa se kar nisem spravila k temu. In me je rešila Kitty, ki mi je prijazno odstopila nekaj metrov buna corda in o-ringov (ki sem jih takoj potem še dodatno kupila v malo večji količini, ker so mi silno všeč in prav fino pašejo na razne obeske). Dodam le še nekaj bunkic in ogrlica bo končno končana. Hvala Kitty!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Trip To Savinjska Region
Thursday, October 08, 2009
No Title
Saj ne morem verjet, da je že skoraj del oktobra mimo! Pa tako dober namen sem imela narediti cel kup stvari takoj po koncu počitnic. Po planih bi morala imeti že narejenih vsaj 100 (no ja, malo pretiravam) novoletnih voščilnic, da me ne bo potem spet čas preganjal, pa se kar nekako ne spravim k delu. Novo leto se mi zdi še tako daleč :). Pa polno glavo idej za fimo imam že od spomladi dalje, pa se kar ne spravim k delu. Ahhh ja...
Da ne bo tale blog tako sameval, še tri poletne ogrlice. No ja, zdaj so že jesenske; saj barve so kar prave :).
Da ne bo tale blog tako sameval, še tri poletne ogrlice. No ja, zdaj so že jesenske; saj barve so kar prave :).
Monday, August 31, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Short Vacation Again
Miii gremoo pa na morjeee... tralalalala! :) Na žalost samo za par dni, ampak boljše kot nič. Tokrat bova s seboj vzeli tudi Blue - prvič bo šla na morje, prvič bo šla v tujino, prvič se bo tako daleč peljala z avtom. Verjetno ji bo malo vroče, ampak se bomo vsi skupaj držali bolj v senci; vroče ji je pa tako ali tako tudi v Ljubljani. Bova z Nino vsaj imeli izgovor, da nama ne bo treba vse dopoldneve in popoldneve preždeti na plaži :)... tudi to je včasih namreč lahko sila naporno.
Lepo se imejte!
Lepo se imejte!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Few Necklaces
Few of the necklaces I've made on vacation.
When the summer is over, I'll get into serious pc work - I just have to move on and try so many things, have so many ideas... but at the moment it's just too hot (errrmmm... yes, that's just an excuse, but a good one!).
When the summer is over, I'll get into serious pc work - I just have to move on and try so many things, have so many ideas... but at the moment it's just too hot (errrmmm... yes, that's just an excuse, but a good one!).
Že dlje časa me moti to, da pišem skoraj izkjučno v angleščini. Na začetku se mi je to zdelo kar fino, zdaj pa je vedno več slovenskih ustvarjalcev, ki blogajo in bralcev ustvarjalnih blogov... in nekako se mi zdi, da bi tudi jaz morala pisati v slovenščini. In včasih bi rada pisala zaradi pisanja samega, ne samo komentarje k slikam :). Zaenkrat bom probala vse napisati dvakrat; najbrž ne čisto dobesedne prevode, pa bomo videli.
(To je za tistih vas nekaj, ki se pritožujete, da imate težave z angleščino. Evo, se bom potrudila! :)
(To je za tistih vas nekaj, ki se pritožujete, da imate težave z angleščino. Evo, se bom potrudila! :)
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
The Meaning Of Life
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
End of My Summer Vacation, Unfortunately
Hello again,
Why does summer vacation always end much too soon while some days at work ("just" those 8 hours) seem to last forever? Doesn't sound quite fair, does it? Spending time at the seaside is something I really enjoy and I wouldn't mind staying there for another month or two without going home at all. But... that's the cruel reality, all good things come to an end sooner or later.
Once upon a time I made a huge pile of different beads (I must have really been in the mood to made so many, I just can't use them all!) and on vacation I was not just swimming, diving, lying on the beach and lying in the shade reading in front of our camper, but also being a bit productive; turning that pile of beads into necklaces and bracelets.
And while I was away, I became an aunt. My brother Oskar and his girlfriend Alja gave birth to their first son, the cutest little boy ever, Oskar Lev. Luckily I have really nice coworkers who took care of sending the baby shoes greeting from the previous post. I'll post a pic of my lovely nephew when I get a permission from his parents... and I can't wait to see him, hold him and smell him!
Why does summer vacation always end much too soon while some days at work ("just" those 8 hours) seem to last forever? Doesn't sound quite fair, does it? Spending time at the seaside is something I really enjoy and I wouldn't mind staying there for another month or two without going home at all. But... that's the cruel reality, all good things come to an end sooner or later.
Once upon a time I made a huge pile of different beads (I must have really been in the mood to made so many, I just can't use them all!) and on vacation I was not just swimming, diving, lying on the beach and lying in the shade reading in front of our camper, but also being a bit productive; turning that pile of beads into necklaces and bracelets.
And while I was away, I became an aunt. My brother Oskar and his girlfriend Alja gave birth to their first son, the cutest little boy ever, Oskar Lev. Luckily I have really nice coworkers who took care of sending the baby shoes greeting from the previous post. I'll post a pic of my lovely nephew when I get a permission from his parents... and I can't wait to see him, hold him and smell him!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Paper Baby Shoes
My dear friend Neva gave birth to her first child three days ago, cute little boy Anej. I wanted to make a really nice and special card for her. I print some patterns and ideas from the internet when I run into something I like... put prints into file and then usually forget about it. I found the pattern for those cute baby shoes yesterday and I decided to try to make a pair... it is, of course, quite addictive thing so I made 3 pairs instead of one. I'm going to put in little scroll with message - one for the parents and the other one for the baby. (If anyone knows who the author of this pattern is, please let me know, I want to give him/her a credit.)
I will need the second pair soon, when my first nephew is born. The new member of our family is due at the end of July and we are all hardly waiting for him to join us. I'll be on vacation at that time, so I have to figure out a way how to send those shoes to them at the right time.
The third pair will stay at home for now. I've already chosen a nice flower patterned paper in pink to make another pair, really girly one. I'll keep them like decoration, they are so cute!
Have a nice time!
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Meet Blue
I've been away from this site for a while, again. I keep promising to myself that I will post at least weekly, but it's so easy to break a promise you make to yourself. I haven't been doing much crafts anyway, only some clay things and few greeting cards. Guess I was not in a very creative mood lately.
A little more than a month ago we got a new member of our household - her name is Blue (with full name Assaya Blue Velvet), she is a white/blue Shih-tzu and, no doubt about that, she is the cutest dog ever. Nina was so excited when we brought her home for the first time that she was holding her in her lap and crying for quite some time. Now our life is a bit different and luckily more active as we have to go out more often. She's smart and learning things fast, very friendly and always ready to lick everyone who is willing to cuddle her a bit. And of course, we already love this little fur ball to death!
At the moment, I am home alone with Blue as Nina is on vacation with her dad. I've always thought it was very weird that people talk to their dogs like they are kids, but now I'm doing exactly the same - not just giving her praise and orders, but... you know, talking, like she understands everything I say. Strange! :) I guess I joined the I talk to my dog club :).
A little more than a month ago we got a new member of our household - her name is Blue (with full name Assaya Blue Velvet), she is a white/blue Shih-tzu and, no doubt about that, she is the cutest dog ever. Nina was so excited when we brought her home for the first time that she was holding her in her lap and crying for quite some time. Now our life is a bit different and luckily more active as we have to go out more often. She's smart and learning things fast, very friendly and always ready to lick everyone who is willing to cuddle her a bit. And of course, we already love this little fur ball to death!
At the moment, I am home alone with Blue as Nina is on vacation with her dad. I've always thought it was very weird that people talk to their dogs like they are kids, but now I'm doing exactly the same - not just giving her praise and orders, but... you know, talking, like she understands everything I say. Strange! :) I guess I joined the I talk to my dog club :).
Monday, April 13, 2009
Weekend Sketch Challenge #76
This is my first time participating in a challenge. Laurie (Just Give Me Stamps) is hosting Weekend Sketch Challenge and I love the layout she made. Since I had to make a birthday card and had no ideas what to do, I used her layout. I am quite sure the receiver will like the worn out style of it.
As a small gift, I included two bookmarks in the same style.
Have a wonderful day!
As a small gift, I included two bookmarks in the same style.
Have a wonderful day!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Easter Eggs Paper Basket
I'm home alone again. Nina went to the seaside with her father on Friday and won't be back till late evening. I cooked a ham but we haven't made any eggs yet. I'm waiting for her as I am not in the mood for making Easter eggs alone... and she was really looking forward to do special ones this year. We are going to have lunch with my parents and my brother (and maybe his girlfirend - have I mentioned I am going to become an aunt in a few months???) tomorrow and since we always exchange some eggs on that day, I made some small paper baskets. They are big enough to hold one egg. I used K&Company and BasicGrey paper and embelished them with paper flowers, buttons, rhinestones and ribbon.
Happy Easter, everyone! Hope you are having a wonderful day.
Happy Easter, everyone! Hope you are having a wonderful day.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud
Time for some poetry :). Spring with warm temperatures and buds and flowers all around inspired me to make this file box. And while I was gluing the flowers on it I remembered the poem we had to learn by heart in English class in school... years ago. I tried to recite it while I was gluing but I forgot few lines, so I just had to find it and read it again. Here it is - to refresh my memory and perhaps yours as well :).
by William Wordsworth
I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed---and gazed---but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:
For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Scrap Paper Holder - Tutorial
I made similar scrap paper holder few days ago. I just love it because it's nice and practical and you can put it anywhere you want. When I do cards or scrapbooking, there are always some pieces of paper left... with this holder I can have them all in one place instead of having them all over my working table. Since I promised a friend who visited me the other day that I will put a quick tutorial on my blog, here it is.
You can make it in different sizes - my basic cardboard sizes are:
14 x 10 cm for the back,
14 x 3 cm for the bottom and
14 x 7 cm for the front.
Cut the cardboard pieces and glue them to the back of the desired pattern paper - make sure you leave some space between them. Trim the paper about 2 cm around and trim the corners. Fold the edges and glue them down.
Cut the piece of coordinating paper that is a few millimeters smaller than the "core" you have in front of you and glue it down so you cover the edges. With you scoring tool, gently rub in the space you left between cardboard and try to put it into the final shape.
Now cut the paper for the side parts. I wanted the upper part of the holder to be wider than the bottom, so I first cut 6.5 cm long strip of pattern paper, cut it in half and marked 3 cm for the bottom (as that is the size of my bottom cardboard part as well), and 5 cm for the top. You want to get an isosceles trapezoid. On the sides with equeal lenght (in my case the 6.5 cm side) leave 1 cm for fold which you will glue down. (See the pics bellow, I can't tell that better). I distressed the back side of the trapezoids before I glued them as they were just too white for my quite dark background paper.
And that's about it. Of course you can embelish it as you want.
And finally, put some scrap papers in it. I'm going to make a bigger one and fix it on the wall to keep the bills that need to be payed in it. You can use it for other things as well, it's up to you.
Now I dare you to make your own and show it to me! :)