
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Short Vacation Again

Miii gremoo pa na morjeee... tralalalala! :) Na žalost samo za par dni, ampak boljše kot nič. Tokrat bova s seboj vzeli tudi Blue - prvič bo šla na morje, prvič bo šla v tujino, prvič se bo tako daleč peljala z avtom. Verjetno ji bo malo vroče, ampak se bomo vsi skupaj držali bolj v senci; vroče ji je pa tako ali tako tudi v Ljubljani. Bova z Nino vsaj imeli izgovor, da nama ne bo treba vse dopoldneve in popoldneve preždeti na plaži :)... tudi to je včasih namreč lahko sila naporno.

Lepo se imejte!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Few Necklaces

Few of the necklaces I've made on vacation.

When the summer is over, I'll get into serious pc work - I just have to move on and try so many things, have so many ideas... but at the moment it's just too hot (errrmmm... yes, that's just an excuse, but a good one!).



Že dlje časa me moti to, da pišem skoraj izkjučno v angleščini. Na začetku se mi je to zdelo kar fino, zdaj pa je vedno več slovenskih ustvarjalcev, ki blogajo in bralcev ustvarjalnih blogov... in nekako se mi zdi, da bi tudi jaz morala pisati v slovenščini. In včasih bi rada pisala zaradi pisanja samega, ne samo komentarje k slikam :). Zaenkrat bom probala vse napisati dvakrat; najbrž ne čisto dobesedne prevode, pa bomo videli.

(To je za tistih vas nekaj, ki se pritožujete, da imate težave z angleščino. Evo, se bom potrudila! :)

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

The Meaning Of Life

If you are ever wondering what the meaning of life would be, here is my answer to that question! :)

So, now you know. Soar!

And have a nice day! :)

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

End of My Summer Vacation, Unfortunately

Hello again,

Why does summer vacation always end much too soon while some days at work ("just" those 8 hours) seem to last forever? Doesn't sound quite fair, does it? Spending time at the seaside is something I really enjoy and I wouldn't mind staying there for another month or two without going home at all. But... that's the cruel reality, all good things come to an end sooner or later.

Once upon a time I made a huge pile of different beads (I must have really been in the mood to made so many, I just can't use them all!) and on vacation I was not just swimming, diving, lying on the beach and lying in the shade reading in front of our camper, but also being a bit productive; turning that pile of beads into necklaces and bracelets.

And while I was away, I became an aunt. My brother Oskar and his girlfriend Alja gave birth to their first son, the cutest little boy ever, Oskar Lev. Luckily I have really nice coworkers who took care of sending the baby shoes greeting from the previous post. I'll post a pic of my lovely nephew when I get a permission from his parents... and I can't wait to see him, hold him and smell him!