Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Makaroni - Makroni - Macaroons... Whatever
Osnovni recept za testo:
110 g beljakov (približno 4 jajca)
30 g kristalnega sladkorja
125 g fino mletih madnljev
225 g sladkorja v prahu
Dan ali dva pred nameravano peko ločimo beljake od rumenjakov - če so večja jajca, vzamemo 4, drugače pa za vsak slučaj 5. Rumenjake poljubno porabimo, beljake pa pustimo v odkriti skodelici v hladilniku (menda zato, da čimveč vode izhlapi, ali nekaj takega). Dan prej lahko pripravimo tudi poljubno kremo, s katero bomo napolnili makarončke.
Ko nastopi dan X, začnemo:
1. Skozi drobno cedilo presejte mlete mandlje (če so olupljeni, bodo makrončki brez tistih temnih pikic; jaz sem kupila že mlete, z lupino). Če so preveč grobo mleti, jih lahko zmeljte v moko v kavnem mlinčku. Odmerite 125 g.
2. Prav tako posebej presejete sladkor v prahu in odmerite 225 g.
3. Zmešajte skupaj mandlje in sladkor. Uradno naj bi jih sicer še enkrat presejali, ampak jaz sem ta del kar preskočila.
4. Odmerite 110 g beljakov.
5. Beljake mešajte z metlicami ročnega mešalnika pri srednji hitrosti, da masa naraste in postane mehurčkasta.
6. Med mešanjem postopoma dodajajte 30 g kristalnega sladkorja, hitrost prestavite na največjo, dokler beljakova masa ne postane čvrsta. Če v maso potegnete z metlico mešalnika, se morajo rezi poznati.
7. Metlice mešalnika odstranite (po možnosti še splaknite, ker se lahko grdo zasušijo) :).
8. V beljakovo maso dodajte del sladkorno mandljeve mešanice in rahlo vmešajte. Če želite dodati barvo, je to pravi trenutek, da se bo do konca mešanja lepo porazdelila. Ker zeleni makroni večini niso bili všeč, sem tokrat dodala oranžno.
9. Nadaljujte z mešanjem, vsake toliko dodajte del sladkorja in mandljev. Na koncu mora biti masa svetleča in gosta "kot magma".
10. Prst globoko pomočite v pripravljeno maso in ga obliznite. V tej fazi še ne priporočam otrok v bližini! :)
11. Sledi meni osebno najbolj zoprn del - polnitev dresirne vrečke. Če je nimate, seveda lahko uporabite kar navadno prozorno vrečko za živila, ki ji prirežete konico. Če jo imate, uporabite nastavek z odprtino približno 1 cm (jaz sem na eni plastični odrezala zobčke, da je lepo okrogla).
12. Na s peki papirjem obložen pekač iztisnite približno 3 cm širok kupček. Ker ni bilo pri hiši dodatnega para rok, žal tega nisem mogla poslikat. Se pa vidi tule, kakšni kupčki naj bi to bili. Kupčki se razlezejo (in znižajo, zato brez panike!), zato naj bodo primerno oddaljeni en od drugega. Količina iz tega recepta zadostuje za ravno dva velika pekača in še malce ostane za pojest kar tako.
13. Zdaj je čas, da pokličete otroke in vsakemu stisnete kupček mase v usta. Če poližejo še skledo, boste imeli manj dela s pomivanjem.
14. Vse skupaj pustite stati na pultu (ali mizi) približno eno uro. V tem času se bo zgornja plast makronov lepo zasušila, vi pa medtem lahko pomijete posodo, preberete kakšno poglavje tistega romana, napišete post na blog... ali pa, če nimate pametnejšega dela, iz primerne razdalje in na primernem mestu spustite iz rok posodico z ostanki sladkorja v prahu in si daste v tem času opravka s pospravljanjem nastalega razdejanja.
15. Pečico segrejete in makrone pecite približno 15-20 minut na 160 stopinj. Med vratca pečice zataknite kuhalnico. Če imate srečo in ste kuharski genij, tako kot jaz :), bo na spodnjem delu makronov nastal obroček. Zgornja plast mora biti svetleča in trdna, da ob ugirzu poči, sredica pa mehka - zdi se, kot da ni čisto do konca pečeno, ampak tako mora biti :).
16. Pečene makrone vzemite iz pečice in jih s peki papirjem vred dvignite iz pekača. Dali naj bi jih sicer na rešetko, ampak ker jaz tako velike rešetke nimam, sem jih dala kar na pult.
17. Ko so ohlajeni, jih previdno obrnite in vsakega drugega premažete s poljubno kremo. Lahko je tudi marmelada, menda so originalni ravno z marmelado. (Moja krema je takale: 2 žlici masla, 2 žlici Philadelphia sira za mazanje, 3 velike žlice nutele in malo sladkorja v prahu)
18. Makrončke sestavite, zložite na krožnik in... na veliko žalost... pokrijte s folijo in postavite za čez noč v hladilnik. Ja, saj vem, grozno, ampak naslednji dan so veliiiiiiko boljši. Prisežem!
Pa dober tek!
Vir: kakšnih 100 različnih spletnih strani in video posnetkov na to temo.
For all of you who don't understand Slovenian and would like to make macaroons as well, try this page, it has step by step instructions.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Art Journal
Friday, February 13, 2009
My 6th file in the 6th folder
I was tagged by K to show you my 6th picture in the 6th folder on my computer. A week or so ago I burned thousands of pictures to dvds, so the 6th folder is quite recent... until last week the content of the 6th folder would be a year or two older, but at the moment it holds pics from November 2008. It starts with Halloween pics; I know it's celebrated in October but we finished our party in November :)).
So, here is the 6th pic - kids posing, in this particular photo the girls are showing their crazy fake nails. Usually they pose a bit longer so I can make more pictures but they were in the middle of the game and they were not really in the mood for posing more.
This photo is also a part of my freshly printed 2008 photo book which I got few days ago (printed in BingBang store). It is my first photo book, it has 98 pages in A4 format and I love it!! When I have time, I will make one for 2007, 2006, and so on... I mean back :). Here are the photos of my book page where the same photo is printed, and also first and last page. As I said, I love it!
I have to tag 6 more people to show us their photos. Let me see... ummmm...
Lisa Gatz
Tina Holden
What you have to do is:
- post a 6th photo which is in your 6th photo folder on your computer
- tell a little bit about it
- pass this on to 6 bloggers
Če je treba napisati še po slovensko, pa kar povejte. Sem se nekako navadila, da tule pišem angleško, ker sem tako pač začela... pa že kar precej časa razmišljam o dvojezičnih objavah oziroma o še enem slovenskem blogu - ha, pa še za tega nimam časa... slike pa itak razume vsak, a ne? :)
Btw, today is Friday, the 13th! Be careful! :)
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Thank You Card
OWOH giveaway results
So, that's it. Winners are drawn, although not from the hat, it was just a big tin can. Nicely decorated, though :).
Since I am ill, Nina is in the "foster" care with my parents for a few days. She came home today for a few minutes to get her things for school and I asked her to draw the names from the can. Pictures are not really good, but I didn't have time to do them better. Anyway, here are the results:
1st: daytoncat (February 8, 2009 6:16 PM)
2nd: Stephanie (February 5, 2009 9:26 PM)
3rd: Kimberly Hellams (February 4, 2009 9:13 PM)
Since Daytoncat whishes to get the hidden magic pendant, I am going to change the order of my giveaway, so:
Daytoncat gets hidden magic pendant
Stephanie gets necklace and earrings and
Kimberly gets stamped pendant.
Hope that is fair enough.
I'm going to pack the things during the weekend if I get all the addresses from my winners and send them off on Monday. Thanks to all for participating! Hope to see you around sometimes :).
Monday, February 09, 2009
Scrapbook Album For Nina
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
This giveaway is now closed, comments will not be accepted any longer. When Nina comes from school, she will announce 3 lucky winners, who will be conntacted through email. (Since I am on a sick leave because of virosis, I think I will not be able to send the items before Monday, but I will try to send them sooner.)
Thanks to all of you who took the time to enter. I hope that at least few will be back from time to time. And thanks to Lisa for hosting this great event. It was fun participating.
Lisa is hosting third in a row annual project, One World One Heart. The idea is that bloggers host their own giveaways on their blogs, all at the same time. That sounds like a great project and I want to be a part of it as well.
To be considered a contestant for my giveaway you need to leave a comment here, on this post! It doesn't matter where you are from. Only one comment per person, please! You need to have an active blog (or write your email address in your comment) where I can leave a comment to notify you of winning. When I let you know of your winning I will then need an email address so that we can communicate to get your snail mail addy! THE WINNER WILL BE ANNOUNCED ON FEB 12th or 13th! You have time until February 11th at 11:59pm PST to leave a comment!
Good luck!!!!
Since the number of comments is constantly increasing, I'm offering more than just one thing. Here they are:
1. Polymer clay necklace with handmade beads and earrings (flower cane work)
2. Polymerclay pendant (made with stamping)
3. Polymer clay stone pendant (hidden magic)
P.S. How am I going to pick up the winners? Hmmm... on12th, I am going to print all the comments, cut and fold them and my lovely daughter Nina will pick 3 of them. Fair enough?
Monday, February 02, 2009
Few Cards (Cuttlebug + Nestabilities)
It was snowing again this weekend, weather was horrible and just perfect for creating - beside being lazy and cuddling with Nina in front of TV, of course. It was about time I properly try my cuttlebug (which I got almost two months ago) and nestabilities dies (which I got almost two months ago as well). I love it! It saves a lot of time, it's easy to work with and the cuts are perfect every time...
Few of the cards I made in the past few days (click on the pic to enlarge):
Paper: K&Company, BasicGrey
Stamps: HeroArts, AudDesign